• A 12 week course in Wellness.

    Taking personal responsibility for your health.

  • " I just completed the Health Yourself program. It delivered 100% on all its promised results. I have done many programs to improve health, but this one is unique in that it was not about fixing anything or even giving me new information (although there is plenty of it on offer) -- what was the big takeaway for me was that I shifted my relationship to my own health in way that leaves me feeling empowered and responsible at a whole new level. On top of that, Will is a very talented coach and teacher and it was a great pleasure to get to interact with him regularly."


    - Joseph Friedman, Coach, Consultant, Designer and Poet

  • The Health Yourself Program

    The Investment of a Lifetime ... Yours!

    100% guarantee. *


    What are the most beneficial healthy habits?

    The ones you will do regularly (and enjoy!)

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    The Self-Study Program

    With a 80-page manual, media.

    You'll receive a digital download of the manual, complete with full instructions for a three-month self study program.

    With Personal Coaching

    With Tashina and/or Will

    We partner for zoom or phone coaching sessions (recorded), with unlimited email and check in calls.

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    Become a Coach

    Your future clients are waiting.

    The coronavirus pandemic is exposing the urgent need for competent coaches to help people take charge of their own health.

  • The Health Yourself Program

    Available for self-study or with coaching. Inquire here.


    Your body needs fuel and maintenance. In this increasingly toxic world, it’s no longer enough to eat well and exercise regularly. You’ll learn 13 simple health habits that can become as automatic as brushing your teeth. We’ll present an overview of the wellness devices we use in our home, as essential for health as a fridge and toilet. And you’ll learn how to make the most of the help your doctor provides you.


    Your mind needs direction. Meditation and prayer, in countless forms, are centuries-old practices designed to develop “mindfulness,” the skill of being present to enjoy each moment, rather than fragmented in anxiety and fear. We’ll present a sample of the audio meditations we produce, embedded with brain balancing frequencies. And you’ll learn how to overcome our greatest fear, the fear of death.


    Your heart needs healing. Without intelligent, compassionate care, all of us have grown into adulthood burdened with wounds from our past, sometimes deeply traumatic. We are not therapists. But we have learned how to shed the habit of living in the past. Emotions exist beyond time. We’ll present our time travel techniques, to heal the past and vision the future. You’ll learn a process for creating how you want to feel. It’s exhilarating!


    You are not your body, mind, and heart. You are the one that inhabits them, just like you are the driver of your car. Actors play many roles. So do we. When we know who we really are, we can play those roles effectively. Mother, son, teacher, engineer, cook … every role deserves our best. But we are not those roles, we are the one playing them. You’ll learn how knowing yourself lets you make the most of every situation, to discover the deep meaning of your life.

  • What's your wellness score?

    The Health Yourself Assessment identifies your current wellness score

    and where you want to be in three months.

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    Module One: Health Yourself to a Healthy Mind

    "Thoughts become things." - Bob Proctor

    How we think ... determines what we do ... creates the results we get.

    We have over 40,000 thoughts a day, 98% of them are the same thoughts

    we had yesterday and 80% of them are negative.

    Better health begins with changing how we think.

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    Module Two: Health Yourself to a Healthy Body

    Imagine regaining a youthful enjoyment of life ...

    in a pain-free body!

    What you do most of the time

    - how you eat, exercise, rest, your hygiene habits, managing stress, etc. -

    determines how well you optimize your genetic potential.

    You can improve your health, at any age.

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    Module Three: Health Yourself to Healthy Emotions

    Most people live in their heads. But the heart is where joy lives.

    If we're not fully feeling we're not fully living.

    Incredibly, we receive NO emotional education.

    This creates confusion and trauma.  

    Develop a rich, healthy emotional life.

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    Module Four: Health Yourself to a Healthy Spirit

    Your human life is a reflection of your spiritual state.

    Fate is the cards we are dealt at birth, destiny is the way we play them.

    All of us were born for a reason, our lives have meaning, and true health includes feeling deeply fulfilled in life.

    Enlightenment is something we give, not get.

  • A different kind of experiential education.

    The Health Yourself Program is available

    as a self-study course or with personal coaching.

    The Manual

    80 pages of easy-to-follow instructions in four modules.

    Available as a pdf or hard copy, snail mailed in a binder.

    The Videos

    Short videos highlight key components of each module to facilitate

    quick learning and application.

    The Audios

    These can be downloaded to your phone for commuting and workouts.

    The Coaching

    12 recorded zoom sessions to customize the program and provide ongoing motivation.

    The Cost

    The self-study program is $97. It includes the digital manual, videos, and audios.

    The coaching program is $999 (payable in installments through PayPal credit, interest-free, available when you purchase, approximately $90 a month). Includes all materials, 12 recorded zoom coaching calls, unlimited email contact, and check in phone calls.

    The Next Steps

    1. Register for the self-study program here and receive all your materials via email.

    Or ...

    2. Register for the coaching program here and receive an email to set up the first call. Or ...

    3. Email if you need more information here via email or a live phone call. Or ...

    The Three Opportunities

    1. Enroll in the program and improve your health.

    2. Refer friends and receive a referral gift.

    3. Train to become a Health Yourself Coach.

  • Wellness education that gets results.